
My life and career have taken some twists and turns that have resulted in an unlikely journey involving clashing worlds, disparate cultures, and diverse experiences, all of which have contributed to an interesting and enriching life.

Core to my identity is my musical self, which started as an 8-year-old kid in a church boy’s choir, then as a young trombonist in school band in the 7th grade, then as an accomplished high school and collegiate trombonist, and finally as a professional trombonist.

When a musical student advances through the academic ranks, they are exposed to a variety of musical idioms. As a 9th grade student in Springfield, Missouri, my love for jazz was sparked by a 1973 concert by the great Maynard Ferguson. That concert marked a lifelong pursuit for knowledge about the art, history and performance of jazz that continues to this day.

While jazz is my primary passion, I have had the unique opportunity in recent decades to study and produce music in other genres such as church music, pop music, and classically oriented works.